During Sale a Bration you get to choose a free Sale a Bration product with every $50 you spend (before tax and shipping). To make your shopping even easier at the class you'll get $5 off your order if you place a $50 order. Place a $75 order or more and get $10 off your order. Plus free Sale a Bration products with every $50 you spend-there's no limit to how many you can earn free!!!!! You can only sign up online for this class so don't wait sign up today here!
I'm sure you're excited to see some Sale-a-Bration products! This is one of the SAB stamp sets. It's probably my favorite one!!! I love it, it's called Fresh Vintage and it has coordinating DSP and brads! It's so much fun!!!! For this card I used my markers to color the image and added some rhinestones to make it sparkle!!! Just one more non-Sale-a-Bration note before I go, TODAY is the LAST day to order from the Holiday Mini Catalog! If there's something you wanted get it today!!!
Thanks for looking, see you soon!!!!!
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