I had a couple people email me recently and in the past on how I set up my punch classes. I've been doing punch art classes for a while, a few years and I used to just put all the punches on the table and let everyone do their own punching. I don't do it that way anymore, for my punch art classes I pre-punch everything, more on that later though. The tables are set up just like any one of my other classes. There's a sample of the card and all my supplies are on each table for that card.

Back to the pre-punched pieces. After about 2 classes of putting the punches on the tables and letting my customers punched I changed my mind and looked for a better way. Often I use the same punch for multiple cards in punch art (for example we used the 1.5" circle on every card this month!). There were other reasons too, I was able to control how much paper was used so that I didn't waste much if any. It saves lots of time, people don't have to keep passing punches around and waiting for that person to finish. I found this way to work better for everyone. So I spend more time prepping this class then a regular class because of all the punching prior to the class. Once it's punched the pieces go in labled zip lock bags so I know what is what. I have bags that say "Dog Head", "Santa Body", etc. Sounds morbid when I type it.....

When I set up the class I dump the bags onto little labled plates that not only label what each piece is but how many you need of that piece. I hope this helps out my customers as well as me.

Like all my classes I hold them at my church. I don't always get this nice big room, sometimes I get the space in the library, still a nice space just not as big. Everyone makes 4 cards, they rotate tables. If you have more questions on my classes, please let me know. If you'd like to attend any I'd love to have you there! My class schedule is below, please contact me to attend!
August 15, 2015, 9:30am
Pop Up Card Class!
Join me to make 4 fun pop up cards! Printed instructions will be provided so you can duplicate these pop up cards time and time again. This class is $20 or free with a $35 catalog order at the class. Last day to sign up for this class is August 7.
September 12, 2015, 9:30am
Birthday Card Stamp A Stack!
It’s my birthday month! It’s time to make some birthday cards!!! You’ll make 12 cards, 3 each of 4 designs. This class is $20 or free with a $35 catalog order at the class. Last day to sign up for this class is September 4.
October 17, 2015, 9:30am
Christmas Card Stamp A Stack!
It’s here!! You wait all year for this class!! 20 cards for $20!!! It’s the best deal around! You’ll make 20 Christmas Cards, 5 each of 4 designs. There will be an online sign up for this class. You must register online to attend this class. Look for the online sign up in September! Remember to sign up early space it limited!
November 7, 2015
December 12, 2015, 9:30am
Customer Appreciation Party!
Please join me to make 4 cards FREE! My gift to you! These cards will be quick and fun! Just the break you’ll need during all the hustle and bustle December brings! Orders appreciated but not required. Last day to register for this class is December 4.
Thanks for looking, see you soon!!!!