You might be asking yourself what is going on with the colors at Stampin' Up!? Every single color is listed on the retired list, people are talking about new colors, so what is the story? I'm so glad that I was able to attend On Stage and hear this news from Stampin' Up! so that I can relay this information to you. This year Stampin' Up! is undergoing a huge Color Revamp. That means some colors will be discontinued, some will be brought back and some will be brand new all together.
Let's first talk about the WHY, especially the 'why is EVERY color listed on the retiring list?'. The mold for the ink pad design we current know and love was about to expire. We've used this type of ink pad design for about 15 years and 15 years is the life span for the mold. So in addition to the Color Revamp our ink pad design will also be changing. We'll be getting a new pad design that is easier to open and close, that provides a tighter seal and that holds the highest quality of ink giving you the best stamped impression. Since it was time for a new ink pad design Stampin' Up! also decided this was a good time to change the colors giving everything a new fresh facelift. That is the basic of why it's being done now. We haven't undergone a Color Revamp since 2013 so now is a good time to do it.
Let's talk specifically about the colors:

These are the colors that are retiring this year. You can see the color groups they're coming out of in the graphic. These colors were chosen to retire based on trends and sales. There are the 5 In Colors that we knew were going to retire anyway those are Dapper Denim, Emerald Envy, Flirty Flamingo, Peekaboo Peach and Sweet Sugarplum. Then from our core colors we have Chocolate Chip leaving from the Neutrals and Tangerine Tango and Tempting Turquoise leaving from the Brights. The two color groups hardest hit were the Subtles and Regals. Leaving from the Subtles is Marina Mist, Pink Pirouette, Soft Sky, Wild Wasabi and Wisteria Wonder. From the Regals we're saying goodbye to Always Artichoke, Elegant Eggplant, Island Indigo, Perfect Plum, and Rose Red. If a current color isn't listed above but it's on the retired list, that doesn't mean the color is retiring, it's just the ink pad being reconfigured. Take a deep breath and know it will all be OK. IF any of your all time favorites are above and you don't think you can craft without them NOW is the time to stock up on their products. Get their cardstock, reinkers, pads, etc NOW!! Do not wait to get them, they WILL sell out and then you're out of luck. However, if you're like me and most of these colors leaving you don't use anyway, you might be ok with the change....let's move on to what's coming!

Here's a look at the BRAND NEW colors that will be joining the color families. These are all brand new to us and they're really going to make our color groups shine!! Our new In Colors for the next two years are some of my all time favorites!! They look like your basic colors but they're so bright and fun you'll love adding them to your projects. They are Lovely Lipstick, Grapefruit Grove, Pineapple Punch, Call Me Clover and Blueberry Bushel. They are some of my favorites and I can't wait to get my hands on them! In addition to the 5 new In Colors new colors are being added to our color families too. In the Neutrals there is Merry Merlot and Gray Granite. Joining the Brights is Mango Melody, Granny Apple Green and Gorgeous Grape. Those of you asking for a purple you'll LOVE Gorgeous Grape! Coming to the Subles family we have Petal Pink, Soft Sea Foam, Balmy Blue and Highland Heather. Finally in the Regals we'll welcome Shaded Spruce.

We also have 6 returning In Colors. These are colors that were formally In Colors that are now part of our core colors and will join our color families. First up in the Neutrals is Mossy Meadow. In the Brights we have Poppy Parade, Flirty Flamingo (if you remember this was a retiring In Color this year-shortest retirement ever!) and Coastal Cabana!! Coastal Cabana is my favorite returning color. I. CAN'T. WAIT!!!! In the Subltes we're welcoming back Mint Macaron. In the Regals we have Blackberry Bliss. Whew!!!! Are you still with me?! I know this is a BIG change but what is life without constant change? Let's now take a look at the new color offerings as a whole and how these colors fall into the color groups.

At first glance you might notice that no longer included in the neutrals are Whisper White, Very Vanilla and Basic Black. Those are now in their own group of 3 called the Basics. We've already been over the new In Colors for this year and you know about our In Colors for 2017-2019, those haven't changed. Our color families have moved and been shaken up so let's look at the new families.
- The Neutrals now consist of: Merry Merlot, Early Espresso, Soft Suede, Crumb Cake, Sahara Sand, Gray Granite, Smoky Slate, Basic Gray, Mossy Meadow and Night of Navy. Merry Merlot, Mossy Meadow and Night of Navy were added to the Neutrals because trends showed that these 3 colors were treated as neutral colors more and more. I think it's a great addition to our Neutral family.
- The Brights and bolder and brighter than ever!!! We have: Poppy Parade, Melon Mambo, Flirty Flamingo, Mango Melody, Daffodil Delight, Granny Apple Green, Coastal Cabana, Bermuda Bay, Pacific Point and Gorgeous Grape. Don't they look great together!?!
- Our Subtles family bring a new look to the pastel world. They are: Blushing Bride, Calypso Coral, Petal Pink, So Saffron, Soft Sea Foam, Pear Pizzazz, Mint Macaron, Pool Party, Balmy Blue and Highland Heather. My favorites are Soft Sea Foam and Balmy Blue, they're just gorgeous!
- Finally we wrap up our Regals family with lots of familiar colors: Real Red, Cherry Cobbler, Cajun Craze, Pumpkin Pie, Crushed Curry, Old Olive, Garden Green, Shaded Spruce, Blackberry Bliss and Rich Razzleberry. You might have caught that lots of former brights have joined the Regals. With all the new brighter brights the old brights fit in nicely in the Regal family.
So that's it, that's our Color Revamp! What do you think??? It's going to be a lot of reorganizing on my part but I'm so excited about the changes. I'm so excited about all the new possibilities this brings!!! Remember if your favorites are leaving get them NOW! You can shop anytime at
my online store here. If you have any questions on the new colors, the old colors or anything else please contact me! I can't wait to share all our new colors with you!!!
Check out this video I shared on my Facebook page discussing the whole Color Revamp
Thanks for looking see you soon!!!