Did you happen to see the winner of last weeks MDS challenge? It was the fantastic Heather Summers!! Congratulations Heather. I do LOVE all her work and she is an MDS genius-I've learned so much from her. Which is where today's project comes from. If you check out
Heather's winning page you'll see the most adorable little Halloween Owls. I just loved them and HAD to make them right away!!!! Logan had given me very strict instructions for his class Halloween gifts: "I just a piece of paper with the sucker stuck in it." So I created these little tags, they're about 2 1/4 x 4. You get 6 per sheet, you probably could get 8 per sheet, but I'm always terrified that if I design too close to the edge it will get cut off in printing. So, often, to be safe, I generally leave big borders. Since I needed them right away I sent them to Staples to print.

I'm so happy to say too, that these were all cut out with the brand new paper cutter!!!! It's fantastic, but I'll have more on the cutter another day :) I followed Logan's rules-paper and sucker---very simple. Sorry the picture isn't great. You know procrastinating is becoming a real problem. I hate taking pictures without natural light but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do :) I hope you get the idea. These were so simple to make. I just glued the tags to some black cardstock, punched a couple holes, add the candy--DONE!!! 25 of them in just minutes!!!!!
Thanks for looking, see you soon!!!!!
Stinkin cute! Will be stealing this idea for Nathan's class! Thank you!!!!
Love this! Thanks for sharing!!!
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